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- Analysis of flows by deposition of diamond-like structures / A. Rebrov, M. Plotnikov, Y. Mankelevich, I. Yudin // Physics of Fluids. — 2018. — Vol. 30, no. 1. — P. 016106. [ DOI ]
The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is used to simulate the hydrogen–methane mixtures flowing through a heated cylindrical tungsten tube and expanding into a low-pressure chamber in the substrate holder direction. The DSMC method takes into account heterogeneous reactions in the tube and on the substrate surface. The results of DSMC simulation are used for the chemical kinetics calculations, i.e., axial distributions of species concentrations in various H/C mixtures. The effects of various parameters (reactor configuration, flow rate, initial concentration of methane in the mixture with hydrogen, and pressure in the chamber) on species fluxes to the substrate, the degree of hydrogen dissociation, the degree of methane decomposition, and further conversion of CxHy components up to atomic carbon C are numerically studied. The developed method provides a possibility of solving similar problems for nonequilibrium flows. - Bifacial ifo/(n+pp+)cz-si/ito silicon solar cell with advanced ag-free multi-wire metallization attached to tco layers by transparent conductive paes copolymers / A. B. Chebotareva, G. G. Untila, T. N. Kost et al. // Solar Energy. — 2018. — Vol. 164. — P. 292–300. [ DOI ]
Multi-wire metallization and interconnection for silicon solar cells is considered as a revolutionary technology for the next generation of photovoltaic modules, since it drastically reduces their cost while boosting efficiency. Here, we describe the synthesis, properties and application of transparent conductive polymer films, poly(arylene ether sulfone) copolymers (co-PAESs), for attaching the wires to solar cells with transparent conductive oxide (TCO) layers. We have synthesized a number of thermoplastics with the fraction of fluorene-containing units q=3, 5, 10, 15, and 50 mol%. Increasing q has been shown to change the glass transition temperature of the copolymers from 186 to 232 oC, their 100% strain temperature from 240 to 320 oC, their optical band gap from 3.80 to 3.77 eV, and their refractive index from 1.554 to 1.586. At that, absorption in the wavelength range 370–1100 nm is negligible, the resistivity and the peel strength of wire/co-PAES/TCO (TCO: ITO=In2O3:Sn and IFO=In2O3:F) contacts lies within 0.43–2.7mΩ cm2 and 2.7–3.0 N/mm, respectively. The co-PAES film with q=10 mol% was successfully used to attach wire contact grid in bifacial IFO/(n+pp+)Cz-Si/ITO solar cell, which showed a front/rear efficiency of 18.2%/15.1% under 1 sun illumination. - Damage-free plasma etching of porous organo-silicate low-k using micro-capillary condensation above -50 oc / R. Chanson, L. Zhang, S. Naumov et al. // Scientific reports. — 2018. — Vol. 8, no. 1. — P. 1886. [ DOI ]
The micro-capillary condensation of a new high boiling point organic reagent (HBPO), is studied in a periodic mesoporous oxide (PMO) with ∼34 % porosity and k-value ∼2.3. At a partial pressure of 3 mT, the onset of micro-capillary condensation occurs around +20 oC and the low-k matrix is filled at −20 oC. The condensed phase shows high stability from −50 < T ≤−35 oC, and persists in the pores when the low-k is exposed to a SF6-based plasma discharge. The etching properties of a SF6-based 150W-biased plasma discharge, using as additive this new HBPO gas, shows that negligible damage can be achieved at −50 oC, with acceptable etch rates. The evolution of the damage depth as a function of time was studied without bias and indicates that Si-CH3 loss occurs principally through Si-C dissociation by VUV photons. - Influence of internal stress and layer thickness on the formation of hydrogen induced thin film blisters in mo/si multilayers / R. A. van den Bos, J. Reinink, D. V. Lopaev et al. // Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics. — 2018. — Vol. 51. — P. 115302. [ DOI ]
A Mo/Si multilayer film may blister under hydrogen exposure. In this paper, we investigate the impact of intrinsic stress on blister formation in multilayers by varying the Si thickness between 3.4–11 nm and changing the hydrogen ion exposure conditions. Increasing the thickness of a-Si is found to introduce a higher average compressive stress in the multilayer film. Measurements of the average film stress before and after hydrogen exposure did not reveal a correlation between stress relaxation and the observation of surface blisters. Comparing the experimentally observed blister size distribution to that predicted by elastic models of blistering due to pressure, and thin film buckling showed that increasing hydrogen pressure under the blister cap is the main cause of the observed blisters. It is also shown that hydrogen diffusion plays an essential role in the blister formation process as sufficient hydrogen is required to pressurize the blister. - Synergistic effect of vuv photons and f atoms on damage and etching of porous organosilicate film / D. V. Lopaev, S. M. Zyryanov, A. I. Zotovich et al. // Plasma Processes and Polymers. — 2018. — P. e1700213. [ DOI ]
Synergistic effect between VUV photons and F atoms in both damage and etching of porous organosilicate (OSG) low-k films was studied. It was shown that both the OSG damage and etching rates by F atoms notably drop with decreasing temperature due to the existence of activation energy while the rate of the VUV-induced damage practically does not change. The joint exposure can significantly exceed the sum of the separate effects of VUV photons and F atoms. The reason is that absorbed photons energy allows F atoms to overcome the activation barrier especially under lowered temperature. A possible mechanism of F atom surface reactions assisted by VUV photons is analyzed and discussed. - Burenkov I. A., Tikhonova O. V., Polyakov S. V. Quantum receiver for large alphabet communication // Optica. — 2018. — Vol. 5, no. 3. — P. 227–232. [ DOI ]
Quantum mechanics allows measurements that surpass the fundamental sensitivity limits of classical methods. To benefit from the quantum advantage in a practical setting, the receiver should use communication channel resources optimally; this can be done employing large communication alphabets. Here we show the fundamental sensitivity potential of a quantum receiver for coherent communication with frequency shift keying. We introduce an adaptive quantum protocol for this receiver and show that its sensitivity outperforms other receivers for alphabet sizes above 4 and scales favorably, whereas quantum receivers explored to date suffer from degraded sensitivity with the alphabet size. In addition, we show that the quantum measurement advantage allows much better use of the frequency space in comparison to classical frequency keying protocols and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing.
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