Предлагаем вашему вниманию новую подборку статей сотрудников кафедры и отдела микроэлектроники, опубликованных в высокорейтинговых журналах, в том числе в журналах с импакт-фактором больше 10: Nature Communication и NPG Asia Materials.
- Expansion of a superconducting vortex core into a diffusive metal / V. S. Stolyarov, C. Tristan, B. Christophe et al. // Nature communications. — 2018. — Vol. 2, no. 2277. [DOI]
Vortices in quantum condensates exist owing to a macroscopic phase coherence. Here we show, both experimentally and theoretically, that a quantum vortex with a well-defined core can exist in a rather thick normal metal, proximized with a superconductor. Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy we reveal a proximity vortex lattice at the surface of 50 nm—thick Cu-layer deposited on Nb. We demonstrate that these vortices have regular round cores in the centers of which the proximity minigap vanishes. The cores are found to be significantly larger than the Abrikosov vortex cores in Nb, which is related to the effective coherence length in the proximity region. We develop a theoretical approach that provides a fully selfconsistent picture of the evolution of the vortex with the distance from Cu/Nb interface, the interface impedance, applied magnetic field, and temperature. Our work opens a way for the accurate tuning of the superconducting properties of quantum hybrids. - On cryothermal cycling as a method for inducing structural changes in metallic glasses / S. V. Ketov, A. S. Trifonov, Y. P. Ivanov et al. // NPG Asia Materials. — 2018. [DOI]
The influence of cryothermal treatment on the mechanical properties of metallic glasses with different compositions was investigated in the present work. It was found that cryothermal cycling can induce rejuvenation as well as relaxation of the metallic glasses. The local apparent Young’s modulus and its spatial distribution width on the surface of the metallic glass increase after cryothermal cycling, while in the bulk the effect depends on the glass composition. It appeared that this increase is temporary and disappears after a period of room temperature aging. This effect is connected with a large distribution of relaxation times in the metallic glasses due to their heterogeneous structure and the formation of complex native oxides on the outer surfaces of the glasses. Our findings reveal that a cryothermal cycling treatment can improve or degrade the plasticity of a metallic glass, and the atomic bond structure appears to be very important for the outcome of the treatment. - Surface structure and properties of metallic glasses / D. V. Louzguine-Luzgin, S. V. Ketov, A. S. Trifonov, A. Y. Churymov // Journal of Alloys and Compounds. — 2018. — Vol. 742. — P. 512–517. [DOI]
Surface state and its quality determine some important properties of metallic glasses. Control over of the nanoscale tribological behavior of metallic glasses is fundamental for their applications in micro- and nano-electromechanical devices. Owing to continuous miniaturization of these devices the mechanical contact area becomes of nanoscale, whereas the nanoscale wear resistance of metallic glasses can be improved taking into the account their surface oxides. Surface oxides also determine (bio)chemical properties of metallic glasses and alter their electrical properties. In the present paper we overview recent works on the subject and present the original research results related to the nanoscale tribological properties of metallic glasses.
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